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Thursday, March 20, 2025, A Virtual Conference
Artificial Intelligence:
Accelerating Medical Innovation!
"The AI Medical & Science Summit
Thursday, March 20th, 2025
12 Noon: Eastern Time Zone
Opening Keynote One-on-One
A Medical AI Future: Establishing Federal Guidelines, A Code of Ethics & Patient Privacy
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM Eastern Time Zone
Session I:
Investment & Development of AI in Medical Science: from Personal AI to Major Medical Institutions
Session II:
AI-Enhanced Image Analysis and Diagnosis: Radiology, Pathology, Dermatology and Oncology
Session III:
AI and Personalized Medicine: Evaluation - Genetic Makeup – Lifestyle - History
Attendance is Free and Online
Registration will Open - February 10th, 2025
Speaker Submission: If you wish to submit a speaker - email - Click Submission Here - indicating session(s) you would like to be considered - indicating day, time, and session name. We request that you include a bio of the speaker and a backgrounder of the company (if not already on file). If you wish to suggest an alternate topic - other than those listed - we welcome your comments. We are always open to improving the session content. Note: Each session will have at least three speakers and a moderator.
Medical Innovation Gallery: Sponsoring organizations will be able to host their own online "Content Spaces" during this Virtual Summit. "Content Spaces" will have full Zoom Room - Demo capability along with other interactive and display features. Please complete the form for further information - Click Here
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM Eastern Time Zone
Session I:
AI Empowering Deep Science: Accelerating Predictive Models and Drug Discovery
Session II:
Precision AI in Surgery: Merging Human Expertise and Real-Time Imaging
Session III:
AI-Powered Psychologist (Virtual Human): Exploring & Evaluating the Power of Patient/AI Treatment
3:00 PM -3:45 PM Eastern Time Zone
Session I:
AI Revolutionizing Major Medical Institutions: Transforming 21st Century Medical Care
Session II:
Everyday AI: Technology Enabled Medicine: Diagnosing Diseases, Planning Treatment, Patient Education
Session III:
AI and Psychological Triage: The Personalized Trauma Center – AI/VR/XR Software
4:00 PM -4:45 PM Eastern Time Zone
Session I:
AI Development and International Organizations: Global Medical and Governmental Institutions
Session II:
Deep Learning AI Research and Development: Immunology, Genomics and Drug Discovery
Session III:
AI & 5G Wearables: from Smartwatches to Holistic Health Monitoring and Emergency Services
5:00 PM -5:45 PM Eastern Time Zone
End-of-Day Roundtables
Session I:
AI and Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Chemotherapy Regimens, Patient Care, and Breast Cancer Risk Prediction
Session II:
The Controversy: Government vs. Industry Regulation of AI and Medical Innovation
Thank you for contacting us.