Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning in Higher Education
In the not too distant future, every University Library and potentially every "Major University Department” will develop its own “Reliable and Private” AI-Information Repository - call it an “Academic AI Co-Pilot.” It will be a “Reliable and Expansive Intellect” equal to the combined knowledge of all the "Department Chairman” - their writings, their lectures - plus every book housed in the "Great Library" of each University.
It will be a private and secure “Super-Computer of Knowledge" - developed specifically for each academic discipline - proprietary to that individual university or developed in partnership with a consortium. And - most importantly - it will become the indispensable "Academic Colleague or Teaching Aide" to every student and faculty member in the university community. This will be the
Archetype of a Virtual Human AI Co-Pilot.
This vision may take five or ten years - and an investment of many millions of dollars - but in the future of Higher Education, the “AI Virtual Human Co-Pilot” will be a 24/7 endlessly patient - “MultiModal" - audio/video/AR - teaching aide for every student, enabling the role of the Professor to expand and reach ever higher levels of discussion and exploration. In the not too distant future, such AI-enhancements will be as commonplace as the laptop computer or SmartPhone.
For our first "AI and Higher Education Conference," a free of charge and Virtual Event scheduled for November 14th, 2024, we expect an attendance of 500-1,000 university and technology professionals, an assemblage of the “Core Innovators” in the field. Our discussion will range from “Defining what an AI-Educational Co-Pilot” will look like, to a basic discussion of “Building the NLPs and Developing Multimodal Intelligence."